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Professional Development Series Teaches SRS-WIN Members About Mentorship

Updated: Feb 25, 2018

Savannah River Site (SRS) Women in Nuclear (WIN) members are learning about the importance of mentorship as part of the ongoing SRS-WIN Professional Development series called Mentoring: The Ultimate Return on Investment.

The SRS-WIN Professional Development committee is engaging SRS employees through their latest lunch and learn series, which focuses on mentoring and how it can develop a person in her or his career. Savannah River Nuclear Solutions Talent Management Specialist Maranda Glass-Shelhorse, who specializes in employee development and leadership training, has been leading the sessions.

“It is hard to know what you need when it comes to mentorship,” Glass-Shelhorse said. “Finding a positive role model who can provide a compass for navigating the waters of your career is the first step.”

Benefits from a mentorship program are not limited to the mentee and mentor: It also helps companies get more productivity out of employees. According to Glass-Shelhorse, two factors drive employee engagement– career development opportunities/training and more opportunities for them to build on their strengths.

“Educating managers and leaders about the importance of mentoring and mentorship helps SRS get the most out of its employees, and while it is an additional commitment, personal enrichment and being able to give back is a big motivator,” Glass-Shelhorse said.

With the conclusion of the mentoring series, the professional development committee is planning future events focused on leadership development. If you would like to become a SRS-WIN member, email for more information.

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