Savannah River Site (SRS) Women in Nuclear (WIN) founding member and Public Outreach Chair Shanteka Glover has been named the recipient of the U.S. WIN Region II Leadership Award.
The Region II Leadership Award recognizes a Region II member who has made significant contributions and demonstrated leadership in the three core values of U.S. WIN. The three core values are supporting an environment in nuclear energies and nuclear technologies in which women and men are able to succeed; providing a network through which the women and men in these fields can further their professional development; and providing an organized association through which the public is informed about nuclear energy and nuclear technologies.
Glover, Software Design Group Configuration Manager for CB&I/Areva Mox Services, LLC, has served as the SRS-WIN Public Outreach Chair for the past three years and serves as a Committee Member for Professional Development.
With the help of Glover’s vision and passion for educating the community, Public Outreach has become SRS-WIN’s flagship program. In 2017, SRS-WIN participated in over 25 public outreach events where they educated the community about nuclear energy and technologies used at SRS.
“Shanteka is a true gem and an asset to the organization,” said Kela Lofton, SRS WIN President and F-Area Facility Manager at SRS. “Winning the Region II Leadership award was very befitting, as her leadership and the performance of her committee has helped to establish SRS-WIN as an organization of excellence at SRS. Shanteka works hard for SRS-WIN not for the awards, but because uplifting her peers and investing in the younger generation is in her heart.”
Awarded on the anniversary of her mother’s passing, Glover dedicated the award to her parents.
“I am in complete awe when I think of the honor of dedicating this award to my parents,” said Glover. “I am thankful to my mother for the woman she and my family has raised me to be.”
SRS-WIN has provided Glover a home for her passion of teaching where she says other professionals, regardless of age, gender, or experience, have an organization that can also cater to their professional development and career needs.
“In the nuclear industry, women are very under represented. SRS-WIN is the answer to showcase women in this industry,” said Glover. “Now I teach and encourage other women and young girls to pursue careers in the nuclear industry and other STEM-related fields with the hope that they will feel as fulfilled as I have.”
The objective of U.S. WIN is to provide a supportive environment for its members to succeed in the nuclear industry, networking opportunities to further professional development, and organized association through which the public is informed about nuclear energy and technologies. Region II is made up of Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia